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How Artificial Intelligence affects our customer experience

Am 20.11.2018
Veranstalter: Bodenseezentrum Innovation 4.0

Bild_Vortrag_Artifical IntelligenceTechnology is taking over our customer experience at a fast pace. Being an informed customer, we become a connected customer who wants a real-time experience. Today we’re evolving towards a hyper personal and pro-active customer relation. Technological Intelligence is a key-driver to facilitate this evolution. Data is the oil and intelligence the engine of the new experience. In his lecture, Tom Fleerackers gives insights on this current evolution and shows the potential power of this technology.

The more we trust and rely on this intelligent technology the easier our life will become, but do we really want our life to be run by technology? Will we be able to remain ‘human’ with our ‘own’ (private) life? Or is full transparency inevitable? Tom might not have all the answers, but is looking forward to discuss these questions with you.

Tom Fleerackers is Program Manager at Karel de Grote University College in Antwerp. He is living and exploring digital society since graduating in Commercial Science with an additional degree in Strategic Communication. His fascination for all things digital brings him at premium spots across the globe. As lecturer, he is inspiring students concerning this digital impact all over Europe.

AustrianStartups Stammtisch
Im Anschluss an das Event, um 20.00 Uhr findet der AustrianStartups Stammtisch in der startupstube der FH Vorarlberg statt. Eine Teilnahme nur am Stammtisch ist ebenfalls möglich.

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Kontakt zu Alexandra Boger


Tel: +49 7531 206-520
E-Mail: a.boger@htwg-konstanz.de

Kontakt zu Angelika Riebe


Tel: +49 7531 206-782
E-Mail: angelika.riebe@htwg-konstanz.de

Kontakt zu Andrea Ammermann


Projektmanagerin EDIH
Tel: +49 7531 206 182
E-Mail: andrea.ammermann@htwg-konstanz.de

Kontakt zu Dr. Damian Bäumlisberger

Dr. Damian Bäumlisberger

Projekt- und Marketingmanagement IoT Sustainability Lab
Tel: +49 7531 206-273
E-Mail: damian.baeumlisberger@htwg-konstanz.de



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